IV Frankenstein Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Answer these questions. a. Do you think Justine will be found to be innocent or she will be condemned? ........................................................................................................................ b. Victor will seek for some relief from his sensations by going to the c lake c mountains c seaside c countryside c. During his walk Victor will catch a glimpse of a tall figure. Who might it be? .......................................................................................................................... d. If it were the creature, can you guess how he was able to follow Victor?...................................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... e. In this case, why has the creature pursued his creator? Make hypotheses. .......................................................................................................................... .................................................................................................................................................... 2 Match each character to the corresponding state of mind after Justine s trial, using arrows. desperate guilty sad shaken disappointed distrustful Elizabeth Victor Victor s father 3 Most of the following words are taken from the description Victor gives of the walk in the mountains. Can you find the only two words which cannot be present in the text? immense mountains precipices sound of the river waterfall salty water fragrant piny mountains impetuous river sublime landscape boat mist breeze clouds glacier icy and glittering peaks 45