E X T E N S I O N THE TITLE AND SUBTITLE Read the two passages and underline/highlight the Passive Voices. P. P. Rubens (1611), Prometheus Bound The title is often misunderstood1: in the reader s mind the name Frankenstein is associated with the monster who doesn t even have a name and not with his creator. Actually, the two are very similar: both are outcasts, Frankenstein in his solitude as a scientist who replaces family interactions and love with his scientific experiments and the monster who is rejected by society because of his appearance ( I am alone and miserable ). One is the alter-ego of the other: the creature represents Frankenstein s conscience, his fears and terrors. The subtitle, The Modern Prometheus, is inspired to the Greek mythology. There were two main Prometheus legends: Prometheus porphyros (the fire bringer) and Prometheus plasticator (the moulder, the life giver). The former legend tells about Prometheus who stole Zeus s fire in order to help mankind. So the people were given an advantage to the animals since fire gave man the ability to make weapons and tools. Prometheus was severely punished by Zeus who chained him to a rock in the Caucasus. Every night, Prometheus was visited by an eagle who ate from his liver2. During the day, however, his liver grew back to its original state. The second legend refers to the story of Prometheus who was said to have created and animated mankind out of clay3. These two myths were eventually 4 fused together: the fire that Prometheus had stolen is the fire of life with which he animated his clay models. Because of the creating aspect, Prometheus became a symbol for the creating artist in the eighteenth century. Victor Frankenstein can indeed be seen as the modern Prometheus. He defies5 the gods by creating life himself. Instead of being the created, Victor takes God s place and becomes the creator. Just as Prometheus, Victor will get punished for his deeds. 1. misunderstand: fraintendere. 2. liver: fegato. 3. clay: argilla, creta. 4. eventually: alla fine. 5. defy: sfidare. 57