R B2 (Vantage) A I N B O W INTERMEDIATE R Approx. number of head-words: 1500 beginner A1 (Breakthrough) Levels of accredited examination boards: elementary A2 (Waystage) Cambridge ESOL: Trinity: City & Guilds (Pitman): ESB: Edexcel: pre-intermediate B1 (Threshold) intermediate B2 (Vantage) post-intermediate C1 (Effectiveness) Teacher s Resources available on line: Answer Key, Transcripts, Summing-up Activities. FCE Grade 7, 8 / ISE II Intermediate Intermediate 2, 3 Intermediate Frankenstein One of the most famous horror stories ever written, it was the first novel of a very young Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley. A scientist, Victor Frankenstein, learns how to give life to dead tissue and succeeds in creating a new being. Physically horrible, the monster is rejected by Frankenstein. The lack of love or simple acceptance, not only from people but also from his creator, turns an inwardly good being into a cruel and merciless murderer: the consequences will be tragical for many people. Stimulating activities, cues for reflections and interesting original inserts enrich the book. Mary Shelley Frankenstein B2 (Vantage) Intermediate S Young Frankenstein A I N B O W S Mary Shelley