Before reading

The duel - Chapter 4

1 The story so far. See how much you can remember filling in the blanks using the appropriate words given below in scrambled order.
love / masked / forever / organized / garden / ordered / sad / friends / name / balcony / feelings / furious / people / voice / mysterious / leaving
When Benvolio met Romeo, the young man was very ………. In fact he was in ………………… with Rosaline, who refused him.
Fortunately Lord Capulet ………………… a feast and invited all the most important ………………… in Verona. Romeo and his ……………… Benvolio and Mercutio, all …………, went there too. Tybalt recognized Romeo’s ………………………… and became ………………… , but Lord Capulet ………………. him to keep quiet. At the feast Romeo was attracted by a ……………… girl and even before knowing her ………………… , he kissed her.
He found out that the girl was Juliet Capulet, so, after ……………… the party, he entered the Capulets’ ………………… and stopped under the girl’s………………………
They confessed their ……………………… and promised to be united ………………………………

2 Look at the title of Chapter 4 and try to figure out who is involved in the duel and what its conclusion is. Choose the couple and complete the chart.

Contendants one survivor (who?) both die
Lord Montague/Benvolio
Lord Capulet/Romeo
Mercutio/Lord Capulet