At this Romeo assured her, “I promise…! But tell Juliet that all is arranged. You must accompany her to Friar Laurence for confession, this afternoon. He will marry us and I will spend the night in Juliet’s room. Take this for your pains !…” “No, no, truly, sir; not a penny! But this afternoon she will be there… God bless you !” replied the nurse seduced by Romeo’s kindness. After the ceremony, on his way home, Romeo again came across Benvolio and Mercutio who were having a violent discussion with Tybalt. 9 10 11 12 : disturbance. : to ask for God’s help and protection for someone. : while going. : met. 9. pain 10. (God) bless you 11. on his way 12. came (come-came-come) across