(Romeo kneels near Juliet’s body, then he takes out the bottle of poison. He holds it up in front of his face and in a determined tone speaks his last words.)
Come, bitter companion, come, disgusting guide!
You desperate pilot, now at once steer my weary
Sea-sick bark against the dashing rocks!
Here’s to my love! (He drinks). So with a kiss I die.
(Romeo falls down, at the foot of Juliet’s tomb.)
(Some minutes later, Friar Laurence’s voice can be heard outside)
Friar Laurence: Dear me! What blood is this which stains
The stony entrance of this sepulchre?-
What do these masterless bloody swords mean,
Abandoned in this place of peace?
(The friar enters the vault with a lantern and sees Romeo’s body)
Romeo! O, how pale! Who else? What, Paris, too?
And full of blood? Ah! What an unkind hour
Is guilty of this lamentable chance!
(Just then Juliet starts to move and sits up.)
Juliet: O, gentle friar, where is my lord?