E X T E N S I O N FAMOUS GHOSTS AND HAUNTED PLACES (II) The Tower of London has a long and bloody history, and of course many ghostly legends are associated with the it. In 1483, two young princes were murdered in the Tower, and their ghosts were reported to have haunted the tower until the year 1674, when their bones were found and buried in a proper ceremony. The most famous and most often reported ghost in the Tower is Anne Boleyn. She was beheaded by her husband, Henry VIII, in 1536. Other Tower ghosts include Sir Walter Raleigh, Guy Fawkes, and even the apparition of a bear. In 1864, a soldier saw a ghost and attempted to use his bayonet against it. The soldier fainted when he realized his antagonist was a ghost and was later court-martialled for neglecting his duties. However, the charges against the soldier were dropped when two witnesses came forward to support the soldier s ghost story. The Chase Vault (The moving coffins of Barbados) In Christ Church cemetery on the island of Barbados there is a burial vault of unknown origin. The earliest records call it the Chase Vault . It was first used for the burial of a Mrs Goddard in 1807, followed by twoyear-old Mary Ann Chase in 1808 and her sister, Dorcas, in 1812, a probable suicide. A few weeks later, Dorcas father, Thomas Chase, died. When the vault was opened, all the coffins had been moved from their original places. It was thought that thieves had been in the vault but the concrete seal of the tomb was still intact. Two more burials were made in 1816. In both cases, when the vault was opened, the coffins already present had been moved about. The coffin of Thomas Chase was of lead, weighing 240 pounds, far too large to be moved by a single vandal. In each of these burials, the workers returned the coffins to their proper places and sealed the mausoleum with cement. It happened again in 1819. This time, the Governor sprinkled sand on the floor (to show footprints), and pressed his personal seal into the fresh cement. In 1820 the tomb was opened again, and the coffins were again out of place, even though no footprints showed and the concrete seal was undisturbed. The governor ordered the coffins removed and the vault left open. The mystery has never been solved. 107