E X T E N S I O N THE BEATLES This is the story of the greatest and most successful music band of the rock era. John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison and Richard Starkey (Ringo Starr) come from Liverpool, England. 1958: John Lennon and Paul McCartney meet when they are playing in skiffle groups bands that play a combination of folk, rock and jazz. Paul introduces John to George Harrison. 1960: John, Paul, George, Stuart (Stu) Sutcliffe and Pete Best go to Germany and play in clubs. They meet Ringo in a club in Germany. The group (now called The Silver Beetles) return to Liverpool. Stu Sutcliffe dies. They change their name into The Beatles. 1961: Pete Best leaves the group. Ringo becomes the official drummer. The Beatles become very popular in England and Europe. 1962: Brian Epstein, a record store owner1, hears the Beatles music. He thinks they are unique. Epstein becomes their manager. 1964: The Beatles go to America. They are incredibly popular. The Beatles make two films, A Hard Day s Night and Help! 1965: Queen Elizabeth gives M.B.E.2 medals to the Beatles. 1966: The album Revolver has serious, mystical music and lyrics3. George Harrison experiments with the sitar4 and oriental philosophy. They make the film Yellow Submarine a psychedelic cartoon. 1967: The Beatles release5 Sgt. Pepper s Lonely Hearts Club Band. The album becomes the soundtrack6 for the controversy about the Vietnam War. The song All You Need is Love, from the album Magical Mystery Tour, is the first satellite broadcast7. 1968: The White Album is released. The cover is completely white with photos of the Beatles and photographs inside. 1968: John Lennon and Yoko Ono meet and she has a great influence on the Beatles. John and Paul begin to argue8. The group make some more albums, including Abbey Road, but Beatlemania is coming to an end. 1969: John marries Yoko. 1970: Paul announces9 he is leaving the Beatles and forms a new band (The Wings) with his wife Linda. John Lennon starts a solo career and composes great songs (Imagine). Ringo starts an acting10 career and George becomes a manager in the music business. 1980: A fan kills John Lennon. 2002: George Harrison dies of cancer. After ten years, Paul McCartney returns to the stage. 2005: Paul McCartney releases Timelines. One of the songs (Comfort of Love) is dedicated to John Lennon. 1. record store owner: person who has a music shop. 2. M.B.E.: Member of the British Empire. 3. lyrics: words of a song. 4. sitar: a musical instrument from India like a guitar. 5. release: publish. 6. soundtrack: the music that is recorded for a film. 7. broadcast: programme. 8. argue: disagree; quarrel. 9. announce: tell people about a decision officially. 10. acting career: career as an actor. 20