E X T E N S I O N MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 64U use a lot of instruments. Here are some of them. Jake and Adam play guitars. Jake plays the electric 1 guitar, Adam plays the bass guitar. The guitar is an instrument with strings(1). There are two types of guitar acoustic and electric. Musicians use electric guitars to play rock music and acoustic guitars to play classical and folk music. An electric guitar has six strings. A bass guitar has four strings and plays very low notes. 2 Tad Williams plays the drums. A drum is a percussion instrument1. The basic components of a drum kit are: drum sticks(2), snare drum(3), bass drum(4) (and a pedal)(5), hi-hat(6), toms(7) and cymbals(8). 1 8 8 7 7 6 9 3 Rudy Verne plays the electronic keyboards. The electronic keyboard is a an electronic musical instrument that has keys (9) like a piano and can play in different styles or can sound like different instruments. An amplifier magnifies2 the electronic signals. Then a loudspeaker(10) converts3 these signals into sounds. 4 5 11 Ravinder Singh plays the saxophone. A saxophone (or sax) is a musical instrument made of metal. To produce notes, sax players blow4 through a reed(11) and press the metal keys. There are different types of sax: soprano, alto, tenor and baritone. 1.percussion instrument: an instrument you hit with your hands or with sticks. 2. magnifies: increases. 3. converts: changes. 4. blow: send air. 38 10