E X T E N S I O N PROBLEM PAGE If you have a problem, at home or at school, you can talk to a friend. Or you can write to a problem page1. Here are some letters from an English magazine. Read them and see if you agree with the answers. SUZY S PAGE SUZY S PROBLEM PROBLEM PAGE Dear Suzy, My boyfriend is normally kind and nice, but when we are with friends he changes. He starts to speak very loudly2 and attracts everybody s attention. This embarrasses me3. How can I tell him not to be so loud? I don t want to hurt4 him with my criticism. Best wishes, Alison Dear Suzy, I am having problems with my friend. She criticises6 me in class. She laughs at my clothes. Why is she so nasty7 to me? Ruth Dear Suzy, my teachers are horrible to me. There are too many rules10. It s not fair! Michael Dear Alison, I think your boyfriend has an inferiority complex. Tell him, with a smile, that you think other people are laughing at5 him, not with him. Good luck, Suzy Dear Ruth, Sometimes we think that some people are our friends. But they can change. Maybe8 they re having a bad time9 at home and they are nasty to you. But a real friend never wants to create you trouble or make you feel bad. Good luck, Suzy Dear Michael, You must not talk in class and you must do your homework. The school has a uniform and you must wear it. These are school rules and you must obey them. Talk to your parents about this situation. Good luck, Suzy 6. criticises me: says bad things about me. 7. nasty: unkind. 8. maybe: perhaps, possibly. 9. have a bad time: have difficulties and problems. 10. rules: instructions that tell you what you must do or mustn t do. 1. problem page: page in a magazine where problems are discussed. 2. loudly: in a way that makes a lot of noise. 3. embarrasses me: makes me feel ashamed in front of other people. 4. hurt: offend. 5. laugh at him: make jokes about him. 57