Ligeia BEFORE READING 1 The title of this story is the name of a woman. What do you think her role in the narration is? Choose from the alternatives given below. c c c the protagonist the narrator the antagonist 2 Look at the pictures and try to guess which one represents Ligeia. 3 Read the following words pronounced by Ligeia and try to guess the circumstance in which they are said. Choose from the alternatives given below. O God, O Divine Father! Shall Death, the conqueror, be not once conquered? Are we not part of You, who knows the mysteries of the Will, with its vigour? Man does not yield himself to the angels, nor to death completely, except only through the weakness of his feeble Will. c c c c she is praying in a church she is reading aloud from a book she is dying she is at her husband s death-bed 10