The author Jerome Klapka Jerome Jerome Klapka Jerome (1859-1927), best known as the author of Three Men in a Boat, one of the great comic masterpieces of modern times, was born in Walsall, Staffordshire, on 2nd May 1859, the youngest of four children (he had two sisters and one brother who died at the age of 6). His name Klapka was derived from General George Klapka, a young hero of the 1849 Hungarian War of Independence, who had become a family friend and after whom JKJ was named en hommage. To avoid confusion between the two Jerome Jeromes, father and son, however, JKJ was known in the family as Luther . His father, a minister and part-time farmer in Appledore, Devon, was well-off and well-respected. It was after some unsuccessful speculative mining on his land that things began to go wrong. The year of JKJ s birth saw the family rapidly pass from an unstable financial situation to total ruin. Jerome Senior s coal-mining venture proved a disaster. The family had to move to London s East End, where JKJ spent his childhood in abject poverty. Just before his tenth birthday he gained admission to the Philological School in Lisson Grove. Three years later his father died and at the age of fourteen JKJ left school to begin a succession of jobs, first as a clerk on the London and North Western Railway at Euston. The same year his mother died, his sisters had already left home and Jerome, at fifteen, was completely alone. He became involved with a theatre company and eventually left the railway. Jerome made his professional debut at the age of eighteen under the name of Harold Crichton, touring the country with a succession of third-rate outfits1. Three years of hard labour on the road left him demoralised and disillusioned. By the time he was in his mid-twenties, he was at the bottom of the social ladder. He drifted into journalism, spending all his spare time writing short stories, essays and satires and getting rejected. He tried different jobs and ended up as a solicitor s clerk. Then Jerome had the idea of writing about his experiences as an actor. The result was On the Stage and Off, The Brief Career of a 1. outfit: gruppo, compagnia. 52