E X T E N S I O N SUPERNATURAL COMPANY Apart from the very common ghost and spirit there are a number of different words to define supernatural entities, words that often belong to different cultures. Undead is a collective name for all types of corporeal and noncorporeal entities who were once alive in the normal sense, died, and then continued to exist in the world of the living. Undead of different varieties can be found in the legends of most cultures and in many works of fiction, especially fantasy fiction and horror fiction. Corporeal undead still have a tangible body of some sort. This group includes: Zombies. According to the principles of Voodoo, a dead person can be revived by a houngan or mambo (a sort of wizard1). After resurrection, it has no will of its own, but remains under the control of the person who performed the ritual. Such resurrected dead are zombies. A more skeptical view is that a zombie is a living person who has never died, but is under the influence of powerful drugs. This was the point made by Wade Davis, an American botanist, who travelled to Haiti in 1982 and, as a result of his investigations, affirmed that zombies could be made by the ingestion of special powders. Zombies are regularly encountered in horror and fantasy fiction, films and video games. They are typically represented as mindless, decaying2 corpses with a hunger for human flesh. Draugrs. A draugr is a corporeal undead, from Norse mythology. Draugrs were believed to live in the graves of dead Vikings, being the actual body of the dead. As the graves of important men often contained a good amount of wealth, the draugr jealously guarded his treasures, even after death. Some draugrs can leave their grave and visit the living during the night. Such visits are horrible events, and often end in death for one or more of the living. It has been theorized that the words dragon 1. wizard: mago, stregone. 2. decaying: in decomposizione. 66