Bone to his Bone BEFORE READING 1 Reading the following sentences taken from the story, you should be able to guess what it develops from. Write a short paragraph reporting your anticipations. William Whitehead, Fellow of Emmanuel College, in the University of Cambridge, became Vicar of Stoneground in the year 1731. The appearance of everything has changed. But in a convenient chamber on the first floor of the present vicarage the library of the Reverend Whitehead stands very much as he used it and loved it and as he left it to his successors for ever . The books there are arranged as he arranged them. Some of those who came into possession of the books have doubtless loved them more and some less; some, perhaps never opened them. But neither those who loved them, nor those who did not, have lost them and they passed, about a century and a half after William Whitehead s death, into the hands of Mr Batchel, who loved them as a father loves his children. ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 2 The following are statements about the function of books. Tick the three you most agree with. c c c c c c 3 Books are school things Books enable us to discover different worlds Books may change our life Books allow us to communicate with past times and other worlds Books are there to be read Books can enable us to send hidden messages to a person How do you usually choose the books you read? Write a short paragraph. ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 99