SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES WORKING ON LANGUAGE 1 The forest crossword puzzle. Solve it with the help of the clues. ACROSS 3 Will s surname was ... 5 Robin met a ... on one of his expeditions 8 Robin was a ... man 9 Robin and his men might be attacked by the ... s men 10 Robin took an ... and fitted it to the bow string 12 Robin was to be Little John s ... 13 Little John said that Robin was a ... 17 Robin and the yeoman gave each other mighty ... 18 Robin started to set off for various places, such as ... 20 Little John said: I ... loyalty to Robin Hood! 21 Robin and his men drank ... 24 After fighting Little John, Robin had ... on his forehead 26 When Little John joined the band, Robin and his men decided to hold a ... feast 28 The bridge on which Robin and Little John fought was ... . DOWN 1 The road passing through the forest was called the Great ... Road 2 Little John and Robin fought with a ... 4 Tuck was a ... 6 In their free time Robin and his men practised ... 7 Robin s men fenced with ... 11 Robin s and the Sheriff s men often started a ... 14 Robin and Little John met on a ... 15 The ... was the one who fell into the water 16 Robin s men ... rich travellers 19 Little John was good at ... 22 Robin and his men roasted ... 23 Robin s men took arrows, clothes, jewels and ... from rich travellers 25 Robin s men built ... in the forest 27 Arrows are shot with a ... . 73