BALLAD Robin Hood and the Pedlar You will find here the text and the music of an old ballad about Robin Hood. Listen to the recording for the tune. If you like, you can sing and play it in class. D C F C C D A D Bb D It s of a pedlar, pedlar bold A pedlar bold there chanced to be. He took his pack all on his back, And merrily trudged o er the lea. By chance he met two troublesome men, Two troublesome men they chanced to be; The one of them was bold Robin Hood, And the other was Little John so free. O pedlar, pedlar, what s in thy pack? Come speedily and tell to me. I ve several suits of the gay green cloth, And silken bowstrings by two and three. If you ve several suits of the gay green cloth, And silken bowstrings two or three, Then by my body, cries Little John, One half your pack shall belong to me. Oh no, oh no, says the pedlar bold, Oh no, oh no, that never can be, For there s never a man from fair Nottingham Can take one half my pack from me. Then the pedlar he pulled off his pack, And put it a little below his knee, Saying: If you do move me one perch from this, My pack and all shall go with thee. 77 A D