E X T E N S I O N FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Is everyone in the band married? Bono is married to his high-school sweetheart, Alison, whom he married on August 21, 1982. Edge married Aislinn O Sullivan in July, 1983.They separated in the early 90s and divorced in 1996. He married Morleigh Steinberg, the second belly dancer from the Zoo TV tour, on June 18, 2002, in Dublin. Larry is single, but has a longtime girlfriend in Anne Acheson. Their relationship apparently goes back to the late 70s.Adam is also single, but was briefly engaged to supermodel Naomi Campbell in 1993. 2. How many kids do they each have? Bono and Ali have two daughters, Memphis Eve and Jordan, and two sons, Elijah Bob Patricius Guggi Q (yes, his real name) and John Abraham. Edge has four daughters and a son: daughters Holly, Arran, and Blue Angel with Aislinn; and daughter Sian and a son named Levi with Morleigh Steinberg. Larry and Anne are the proud parents of a son, Aaron Elvis, and a daughter named Ava. They also have a third child, a boy, but his name is not known. 3. How tall is Bono? He s not. 112