SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES ABOUT THE MUSIC 1 Which of the following adjectives describe U2 s music best? c c c c c easy-listening popular symphonic acid folk c c c c c acoustic energetic disturbing carefree country c c c c c creative revolutionary groundbreaking rhythm and blues dark ABOUT THE BAND 2 Answer the following questions. a. b. c. d. e. f. Was the band called U2 from the beginning? Has the band always had four members? Who was the most skilful musician when they started playing? Why was Bono chosen as leader of the group? Who writes most of the lyrics and music of the songs? Who among the group members had problems with drugs and alcohol? g. When did the band start to be involved in social and political campaigns? ABOUT THE SONGS 3 Choose the right answer. a. Which song gave the group international fame at the beginning of the 80s? c Gloria c Sunday Bloody Sunday c With or Without You b. Which of these songs deals with the problem of the missing people in Southern America? c Pride (In the Name of Love) c The Fly c Mothers of the Disappeared c. Which is the title of the song which features Pavarotti singing? c Miss Sarajevo c One c Mofo 116