3 Thumbs up for U2 Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Answer the following questions. a. The JOSHUA TREE is U2 s best selling album: how many copies do you think it sold? Choose one of the alternatives. c about 9 million c about 16 million c about 20 million b. What is Amnesty International ?.............................................................................. .................................................................................................................................................... c. In your opinion, which landscape best represents the feeling of loss after the death of a dear friend? Choose among the following. c the desert c the seaside c the mountains c others (specify).................................................... d. Who are the desaparecidos of Southern America? .................................... .................................................................................................................................................... e. U2 experienced periods of crisis. What do you think these crises were due to? You can choose more than one option. c lack of inspiration c family and personal problems of some of the members c too much time spent together c poor record sales c different musical ideas 2 On the left there are some lines taken from famous U2 songs. Match them with the titles on the right. 1. I have climbed the highest mountains I have run through the fields But a. With or Without You 2. Midnight our sons and daughters b. One Were cut down and taken from us 3. I wait for you I can t live c. Mother of the Disappeared 4. We are one But we are not the same We get to carry each other 5. It s alright it s alright it s alright She moves in d. Mysterious Ways 36 e. I Still Haven t Found What I m Looking For