Lawrence Joseph Mullen (Larry) Lawrence Joseph Mullen was born on Halloween (31st October) 1961 in Artane, Dublin, Ireland. Larry was a goodlooking young boy with an air of selfconfidence and was very popular at school. As a small child, Larry had gone to see a band play with his parents and his older sister. When he saw the drummer, he told his mother that that was what he wanted to do with his life. His older sister Cecilia bought him his first drum kit7 for seventeen pounds when he was eleven. He even took lessons from a legendary Irish drummer, Joe Bonnie, but he stopped almost immediately as he could not stand8 the man or his teaching method. As a result, he taught himself how to play. Soon his father enrolled him in a marching band and at one point Larry even played in the well-known and respected Artane Boys Band, which plays in the St. Patrick s Day Parade every year. Larry was forced to quit9 that band when they ordered him to cut his hair. It seemed Larry was quite obstinate even from the start. Larry wanted his own band so he placed a note on the notice-board of his school Mount Temple Comprehensive High School, inviting musicians to join him in forming a band. At first, no one replied to Larry s notice on the board, suspecting it was a school-sponsored10 event, but when Adam Charles Clayton expressed interest in joining the band, word began to get around and finally things got started when David Evans (The Edge) and Paul Hewson (Bono) joined the group. They started to practise at Larry s house. Many things about U2 have changed but Larry has always remained constant and true to himself. Not prone to show off11, Larry remains in the background but also in the backbone of the band. Larry is a serious and private person but also has a wildly hilarious side that shines through in the few interviews he does. He is passionate in his undertakings and responsible in his actions. As the drummer, Larry holds the beat of the band in the palm of his hands. : F u F 7. drum kit: a set of drums and cymbals. 8. stand: accept, tolerate. 9. quit: leave. 10. school sponsored: supported by the school. 11. show off: attract attention. 5