David Evans (The Edge) David Evans (The Edge) was born on 8th August 1961 in London. A year later his family moved to Malahide, near Dublin, and he received primary education there. Mount Temple Comprehensive High School was also Dave s secondary school and it was difficult for him at the start. He was naturally shy and reserved and yet highly intelligent. He enjoyed studies and wanted to become a doctor, but piano and guitar playing lessons in the school caught his attention also at this time. He began playing these instruments regularly. Dave was the first to respond to Larry s ad to form a band which was placed on the school notice-board. With the encouragement of his music teacher, Albert Bradshaw, and accompanied by his brother Dick and their common friend Adam Clayton, he attended the audition in Larry Mullen s home. He played rock guitar revealing influences of the big rock bands of the time like Led Zeppelin and the Rolling Stones. Accepted as a member of the group that came to be called Feedback, Dave began to hang around12 with the other members both in and out of school and was nicknamed Dave Edge by Bono: partly because of his tendency to be on the edge13 of things, that is, not completely involved in what is going on around him, and partly because of the sharp shape of his chin. The Edge worked on in school while practising with the band in the school gymnasium, influenced by the big groups of the 1970 s. In the early gigs they only played covers of well-known bands. It was only with the final changing of the band name that the writing and composing started for real. The Edge became interested in the spiritual world along with Bono and Larry, together they joined the Shalom Charismatic Christian group and started moving toward becoming born again Christians. This created big upsets and problems for The Edge. One of these regarded the moral dilemma about being a Christian and a rock n roll player. In 1982 The Edge told Bono that he was going to take two weeks leave from U2 in order to14 understand whether he wanted to stay in the band or not. After a few days, he made up his mind15 after listening to Bono s advice to follow his heart: he would stay committed16 to U2. i 12. hang around: to spend time in a place waiting or doing nothing. 13. edge: border. 14. in order to: with the aim of. 15. made up his mind: decided. 16. committed: loyal and willing to give your time and energy. 6