Standard and innovative tunes Chapter BEFORE READING 1 5 Answer the following questions. a. What do you think a rock concert should be like? You can tick more than one option. c relaxing c long-lasting c exciting c involving c shocking c amusing c violent c spectacular c other ................................ b. In the following chapter you will read the expression industrial sound . What do you associate this expression with? c A vigorous and energetic sound c Relaxing atmospheres c Repeated machine-like beats c Other .............................................................................................................................. c. The title of the chapter you are going to read suggests innovative features in U2 s music. Which new elements will be introduced in your opinion? c Dance rhythms c Electronic backgrounds c Industrial sounds c A horn section c Techno beats c A chorus d. What is your idea of pop culture? c A youth culture, often superficial and frivolous, centred on going out, dancing, having a good time, being or not being in love, etc. c A substantial culture, based upon strong and traditional values. c A snobbish culture whose values are shared by a small group of people. c Other .............................................................................................................................. 2 In Chapter 5 you will find the following words. Match them with their definitions. plead hedonism shiver strobe mess a. .......................................... b. .......................................... c. .......................................... d. .......................................... e. .......................................... State of untidiness, or lack of organization. To ask in an intense, emotional way. The belief that pleasure is the most important thing in life. Light shake of the body, due to cold, fear, or excitement. A light which quickly flashes on and off. 70