E X T E N S I O N ANNOUNCEMENT In Shakespeare s times street criers inform play-goers and citizens1 about the performance of plays. Street criers are sometimes members of the company of actors. They go around the streets of London and read the announcement2 aloud. The following is the announcement for The Tempest. Ladies and Gentlemen, On Tuesday, 27th June, 14.00 hours, at the Globe Theatre The King s Men will entertain3 you with The Tempest a new play by the famous playwright William Shakespeare. Important members of the Court will be present, too. Remember that for one penny you can stand in the open courtyard4 around the stage and watch the play (mind pickpockets!5). For one additional penny you can sit in the balconies6, you can mix with rich and important people and have a better view7 of the stage and the actors! The best actors of the moment will entertain you. Lute and flute players will delight8 you with their music. So come all: invite your friends, inform your acquaintances9 of this extraordinary event. Come and spend a lovely afternoon away from work and daily problems! 1. citizens: people that live in a city. 2. announcement: a spoken or written message that informs people about something. 3. entertain: amuse. 4. courtyard: an open space that is partly or completely surrounded by the walls of a building. 5. mind pickpockets!: pay attention to thieves! 6. balconies: seats upstairs in a theatre. 7. view: vision, sight. 8. delight: give great pleasure (to). 9. acquaintance: a person you know. 41