E X T E N S I O N TOURNAMENTS Tournaments between knights, with all their splendid events and courtly1 rules, originated in France. Tournaments were condemned by the Church, probably because they caused a lot of problems and deaths. In tournaments knights showed their skill in riding and in the use of various arms. Greater courtesy was observed in the regulations: it was illegal to wound horses, to use the point of the sword or to strike a knight when he raised his visor or took off his helmet. The ladies encouraged their knights in these exercises and gave them prizes2. Every knight fought in the name of a lady and was called her servant d amour. Knights also carried their ladies s scarves3, veils4 or bracelets attached to their helmets, shields or armour. The ladies and all the spectators sat or stood in stands5 built in the shape of towers, terraces or galleries. 1. courtly: rules followed by noblemen and noblewomen. 2. prize: something that is given to the winner (money, trophy, etc.). 3. scarf: piece of cloth that you wear round your neck. 4. veil: piece of cloth that women sometimes wear over their heads. 5. stand: structure where people stood or sat during tournaments. 36