8 King Arthur s Death Chapter BEFORE READING 1 From the title you can understand that this chapter tells about Arthur s death. In what circumstances does he die in your opinion? Choose from the alternatives given below: c during a battle c in single combat c drowning in a lake c at Camelot during a banquet c in mysterious circumstances Listen to the following extract from this chapter. Can you understand m what happens to Lancelot and Guenevere? 2 Lancelot and Guenevere .................................................................................................. ................................................................................................................................................................ 3 Do you expect to learn what happens to the Kingdom of Britain after King Arthur s death? Choose from the following alternatives: c Yes, I will learn about his successor. c Yes, the book will tell us about the wars that followed King Arthur s death. c No, the book is about King Arthur and will end with his death. Death of King Arthur (J. Archer, 1861). 80