T R.L. Stevenson The End The next morning we got up early to carry the treasure to the Hispaniola. This work went on for three days. And all this time we heard nothing of the three surviving pirates. Only the third night the wind brought us a noise, between singing and shouting. They are drunk , said Silver. When the treasure was aboard, we held a council. We decided to abandon the buccaneers on the island. They couldn t be trusted. We left a lot of things for them: salt goat meat, powder, ammunitions, medicines, clothes and some necessary tools. Then we sailed. While we were going along the southern coast, we saw them on a beach. They called us, raising their arms in supplication and kneeling down1. It was very sad, but we didn t stop. We couldn t risk another mutiny. In the end one of them fired at us. The bullet passed over Silver s head and through the mainsail. Our crew was very small now, so everybody on board had to give a hand. The captain lay on a mattress in the stern and gave orders. We sailed to the nearest port in South America, so that we could find other sailors. It was sunset when we cast anchor in a beautiful gulf and were immediately surrounded by boats full of Indians, trying to sell us tropical fruits and vegetables. Dr Livesey, the squire and I went ashore for the night to visit the place. When we were back, we found out that Silver had run away. Actually, Ben Gunn confessed that he had helped the sea-cook in his escape. He had done so, only to preserve our lives. He had always been afraid of his former one-legged mate. But this was not all. Silver had also stolen a sack of coins, to support himself in his wanderings2. Well, said the captain, we got rid of him cheaply! We were all pleased not to see him again. To cut a long story short, we hired3 some new men and sailed for Bristol. When we arrived, all of us had a big share of the treasure and used it wisely or foolishly according to our natures. Captain Smollett retired from the sea. Gray saved his money and now has his own ship. Ben Gunn, who got a thousand pounds, spent all of it in three weeks. Now he works as a caretaker4. We never heard of Long John Silver again. That incredible seaman with one leg is out of my life now. Perhaps he is living comfortably somewhere with his parrot. But sometimes, in my dreams, I go back to Treasure Island and wake up in the middle of the night with the sharp voice of Captain Flint ringing in my ears: Pieces of eight! Pieces of eight! 1. kneel down: put knees on the ground. 2. wandering: travelling with no precise destination. 3. hired: employed. 4. caretaker: someone whose job is to look after a building. 120