SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES 1 Complete the summary of Treasure Island with the missing words. Jim Hawkins works at his parents ..............., the Admiral Benbow. One day an old seaman arrives with a big ................................... . He wants to be called Captain and tells Jim to watch out for a man with one ............... . Two strangers come to visit him: first Black ...................., then a blind man, Pew, who gives him the ......................... Spot.The seaman knows that it means .................... for him. He tries to escape, but a stroke kills him. Jim and his mother open the Captain s sea-chest and find a mysterious packet of ................................... . Then a band of pirates attack the inn under the command of .................... . Jim runs away with his mother, taking the packet with him. They are saved by the arrival of a group of ........................................ .The buccaneers escape and Pew is killed. Jim tells all the story to Dr Livesey and Squire Trelawney. They open the .............................. of papers and find the ............... of an island. They soon realize it is the place where the terrible pirate Flint buried his ........................................ and decide to sail and find it. Jim and his friends leave from Bristol on board the Hispaniola. One evening, Jim overhears a ....................................................... between Long John Silver, the one-legged ........................................, and some sailors. Jim understands they are all Flint s pirates and want the treasure. So he tells everything to Livesey,Trelawney and Smollett, the captain of the ship. When they arrive at the island, Silver and some men go ashore. Jim follows them, without telling his friends. On the island, Silver and his men kill two loyal .............................. . Jim runs into the .................... and is followed by a strange ........................................ . It is Ben Gunn, an ex-pirate who was ........................................ there three years before. Meanwhile Jim s friends have decided to go ashore and take possession of the ................................... marked in the map.They manage to reach it but they are attacked by Silver s men. When the battle is over, Jim reaches the stockade and tells his friends about Ben Gunn. The next morning Silver comes to the stockade with a white ...................., but Captain Smollett refuses to reach an agreement. So the pirates .............................. the stockade again. Some pirates die, Smollett is ................................... and two of his men killed. Later that day, Livesey goes into the ................................... to meet Ben Gunn. When nobody is watching, 121