5 The Man on the Island Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Complete this summary of what happened in the previous Chapter (one word for each blank). Everything seemed to be all right during the voyage to Treasure Island. But one evening Jim overheard a conversation between Silver and one of the ........................ . He learned that Silver and his men were .............................. and that they wanted Flint s treasure. Silver was trying to convince one of the loyal men to be on his ..................... . Jim told his friends everything. Captain Smollett decided they should go on until the treasure was .................. and they knew how many sailors were with ........................ . He let the men go ........................ for the afternoon with two .................. . Jim slipped into one of the boats, without telling his friends. He wanted to ........................ the island. 2 Making predictions. Look at the title. In your opinion, who is this man? c a native of the island c a pirate c a man abandoned on the island c a cannibal 3 You will find these verbs in Chapter 5. Match each of them with its definition. a. ring out b. be shipwrecked c c c. sight c d. be marooned c e. stab f. leap g. wink h. crawl c c c c 1. To move on your hands and feet. 2. To push a knife into someone or something. 3. To close and open one eye quickly as a signal. 4. To move fast or jump with a lot of energy. 5. To be on a ship when it sinks. 6. To sound in a loud and clear way. 7. To see something from a long distance. 8. To be left in a place from which it is difficult to escape. 51