The Old Seaman at the Admiral Benbow Chapter BEFORE READING 1 1 Answer the questions, making predictions about the story. a. From the title of the book, what type of story do you expect? c A love story c A ghost story c A horror story c An adventure story b. Look at the picture in Chapter 1. When does the story take place? c In the 20th century c In the Renaissance c In the 18th century c In the Middle Ages c. Look at the picture again. Where does the story start? c On the English coast c In London c In the Caribbean Sea c In the English countryside d. Read the title of Chapter 1. What is the Admiral Benbow? c A shop c A private home c A small hotel c A ship 2 What do you know about pirates? Here is some vocabulary which can help you to express your ideas. criminals black flag with a white skull to attack colonies gold and silver ships to sail to steal to murder galleons ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 3 Match the words in column 1 with a synonym in column 2. 1 2 a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. buccaneer inn telescope cutlass chest to tap to look out sailor guest stick c c c c c c c c c c 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 7 piece of wood pirate to hit lightly small hotel spy-glass customer wooden container to be careful seaman sword