7 The Attack Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Complete the passage with the missing words. took stockade shot leave map pirates provisions cannon killed After Jim had escaped from the ship, Dr Livesey went ashore to look for the ........................... marked on the ............ and finally found it. Livesey and his friends decided to move there to defend themselves from the ..................... . They carried guns, powder and .............................. there, but on their second trip the pirates shot at them from the ship with the ..................... . They ............ back and hit one of them. Ashore, they had to run to the stockade and ............... the second load on the boat. Silver s men followed them and attacked them. Old Redruth and one of the buccaneers were ..................... .The bombardment from the ship continued. The buccaneers ............... the provisions and guns left on the boat. 2 Answer these questions. a. b. c. d. e. 3 Look at the beginning of Chapter 7. Who is the narrator? Where was Jim when his narration was interrupted? What was happening? What did he see above the trees? What will Jim do now? Find the opposite of each word. victory dead enemy to build surrender right to attack drunk armed useful sane to lie down to get up ally sober fight insane unarmed defeat alive to demolish to defend useless wrong .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 71