8 My Sea Adventure Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Put these sentences in the correct order. a. Dr Livesey and the other loyal men moved to the stockade with guns, powder and provisions. b. The pirates attacked the stockade again. Five of them and Joyce were killed. c. Jim joined his friends at the stockade. d. They had to leave the second load on the boat because the pirates were shooting at them with the cannon. e. While they were going to the stockade, the pirates attacked them. Redruth and one of the pirates were killed. f. Jim went with the pirates. On the island two loyal men were killed by Silver and his men. g. Jim met Ben Gunn. Ben told him he had something to propose to the squire. h. After their arrival at the island, Captain Smollett let the men go ashore. Six men stayed aboard, thirteen went ashore. i. The next morning Silver went to the stockade to reach an agreement. Smollett rejected his proposal. 2 c c c c c c c c Making predictions. Answer the questions. a. b. c. d. 3 c Look at the title. Where will this Chapter take place? Look at the picture. What will Jim do? Do you think it can be dangerous? What would you do if you were in his place? In Chapter 8 you will find Israel Hands again.What do you remember about him? He was a ................................................................................................................................... The first time we have met him was ..................................................................... He became the chief of .................................................................................................. He decided to use the cannon against .................................................................. He can be described as ................................................................................................... 81