Dr Jekyll Murder and Mr Hyde Chapter 3 7 One year later in October London was shocked by a horrible crime. Dr Jekyll s maid-servant1 saw what happened. This is what she said to the police: It was a cloudless2 night lit3 by the full moon. It was about eleven. I sat near the window and saw an old gentleman with white hair walking along the street. Another younger smaller man was coming the other way carrying a heavy stick. The older man greeted the other with politeness. I could recognise the small man: it was Mr Hyde, he was at my master s house once4. I really dislike that man: he is so wicked-looking... He had a stick in his hands. The old gentleman spoke to him but I couldn t hear what he said... perhaps he asked for directions. Mr Hyde didn t speak but he reacted furiously and started to hit5 the old man with his stick until he fell to the ground. Mr Hyde trampled6 on him and continued kicking the poor old gentleman. It was so horrible that I fainted7. When I became conscious again, it was two o clock and I immediately called the police. The body of the victim was in the middle of the street. Near him there was only a piece of the murderer s stick broken in the middle as a result of Hyde s violence. The police found a purse8 and a gold watch in the victim s pockets but no documents except for a letter addressed to Mr Utterson. The next morning the letter was brought to the lawyer. He became very serious and said: I will say nothing until I have seen the body. He hurried9 to the police station where the 1. maid-servant: a woman that works as a servant. 2. cloudless: without clouds. 3. lit (light-lit-lit): illuminated. 4. once: on one occasion. 5. hit: touch someone with force, usually causing injury or damage. 6. trampled: walked. 7. fainted: became unconscious for a short time. 8. purse: small container for money. 9. hurried: moved more quickly than normal. 27