Dr JekyllDrand Mr Hyde Lanyon Chapter 4 11 People said horrible things about Mr Hyde s cruelty1 and thousands of pounds were offered to capture Sir Danvers s murderer. Time passed but there was no trace2 of him. Utterson was happy about his disappearance: his friend Dr Jekyll had begun a new life: the doctor met his old friends again, was busy and seemed quite happy. For more than two months the doctor was at peace. On the 8th of January Utterson and Dr Lanyon dined at the doctor s house: the atmosphere was like in the old days. Then something happened... On the 12th and on the 14th the doctor did not want to see anyone. On the 15th Utterson tried again but it was useless3. The lawyer was worried again and decided to visit Lanyon. When he came in, he was shocked at the doctor s appearance: he was pale4 and visibly older, his face showed that he was going to die. I have had a terrible shock, Lanyon said and I will never recover5. It is a question of weeks. Jekyll is ill, too. Have you seen him? asked Utterson. Don t speak to me about him. I don t want to see or hear of Dr Jekyll again! To me he is a dead man! said Lanyon in a loud voice. Why do you say these things? We three are very old friends, Lanyon. Tell me, what can I do? There s nothing you can do. Perhaps when I am dead, you will learn everything but now I can t tell you anything. When Mr Utterson got home, he sat down and wrote a letter to his friend Jekyll. He said that he was sorry not to see him 1. cruelty: very bad behaviour, brutality. 2. trace: sign, evidence. 3. useless: of no use; opposite of useful. 4. pale: his face had less colour than usual. 5. recover: get well again. 39