Dr Jekyll and wrong Mr Hyde Something 14 Chapter 5 One evening after dinner Mr Utterson was sitting by the fire when Poole arrived unexpectedly1. The lawyer was surprised. What s the matter, Poole? Is the doctor ill? asked the lawyer. Mr Utterson, said the man, there is something wrong. Take a seat, Poole. Here is a glass of wine and now tell me everything. The doctor has closed himself in his laboratory. I don t like it and... I m afraid that something very bad is happening. What do you mean? cried Utterson. Please, Sir, come with me and see for yourself. Mr Utterson got his hat and coat and went out with Poole to the doctor s house. It was a cold night in March. There was a pale moon and a strong wind. The streets were unusually2 empty3 and Utterson had the feeling that something very serious was happening. Poole s face was white with fear. When they arrived, all the servants were standing in the hall. At the sight of Mr Utterson, one of the maid-servants started to cry and said: Bless God! It s Mr Utterson! Why are you all here? asked the lawyer. They re all afraid, said Poole. Then he took a candle and said: Now, Sir, could you come with me, please? I want you to hear. If Dr Jekyll asks you to come in, don t go. Mr Utterson followed him to the laboratory and stopped in front of the door. Poole knocked and said: Mr Utterson is here to see you, Sir. Tell him I cannot see anyone, answered a voice from inside. Thank you, Sir, said Poole and went back into the house followed by Mr Utterson. 1. unexpectedly: in a way that surprises you. 2. unusually: in a way that is not usual. 3. empty: the contrary of full. 48