Dr JekyllA and Mr Hyde sad end Chapter 6 17 Utterson went to his office. He took Dr Lanyon s letter out of the safe and began to read: On the 9 th of January in the evening I received a letter from my colleague and old school companion Henry Jekyll. I was surprised because we had dined together the night before. This is his letter: Dear Lanyon, You are one of my oldest friends. We have disagreed 1 on scientific questions sometimes, but I have always been affectionate to you. I am a desperate man and I need your help. Go to my house immediately. Poole will take you to my laboratory. Go inside alone, open the fourth drawer containing some chemicals and a book: bring everything to your office. At midnight a man will arrive. He will tell you that I sent him. Please give him the drawer with all its contents. It is extremely important, it is a matter of life and death. Your friend, Henry Jekyll I did what he had asked me. While I was waiting, I examined the contents of the drawer: there were some powders, some salt, a small bottle with some red liquid and a book with some dates and near some of them the word double . The last date was about a year ago and near it I could read the words total failure 2 . I started thinking Harry was mad. At midnight there was a knock on the door. I opened it and a strange, small and repulsive man was in front of me. We went into my study-room. Have you got the powders and everything? he asked me impatiently. Please, sit down. Here they are. And I gave him the powders. He mixed them together with the red liquid, then looked at me and said: And now Dr Lanyon you have a choice. I can go away 1. disagreed: not had the same opinion. 2. failure: fiasco, the opposite of success. 59