Dr Jekyll and man Mr Hyde A strange Chapter 1 1 Mr Utterson, the lawyer, was a man that did not often smile, did not speak much and was very reserved. He was tolerant, reliable1 and helpful: that s why his friends trusted2 him. Every Sunday he had a walk with his cousin Mr Richard Enfield. They said nothing but they considered their walks the most important event of the week. On one of these walks they went down a quiet small street in a busy area of London. Mr Enfield stopped and pointed his walking cane3 to a sinister4 building with a black door that was on the other side of the street: the ugly building had two floors, no windows and it was very dirty. Have you ever noticed that door? he asked. Every time I see it, I think of a very strange thing that happened on a black winter morning while I was coming home at about three o clock. 1. reliable: someone you can trust because they are sincere and honest. 2. trusted: believed. 3. cane: long stick used as an aid for walking. 4. sinister: evil, dangerous. Mr Utterson and Dr Jekyll walking in the street (from Victor Fleming s, Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, 1941). 7