E X T E N S I O N SHORT STORIES The origin of short stories dates back to1 the oral traditions that produced tales such as the Iliad and the Odyssey. Through the ages, stories were told in the form of fables, folk tales, parables2. Giovanni Boccaccio s Decameron and Geoffrey Chaucer s Canterbury Tales were collections of short stories and marked the passage from the oral to the written tradition. As an independent literary genre3, the short story appeared in the USA at the beginning of the 19th century, G. Chaucer whereas in Great Britain it developed much later. In the second half of the th 19 century there was a great demand4 for short stories to be published in magazines and journals. This demand increased5 until the middle of the 20th century but from that moment on it declined6. Nowadays there is very little demand for them, even though literary magazines, online magazines and The New Yorker Magazine still publish them. The form and the characteristics of short stories, of course, depend on their author and on the period in which they were written. Besides, they may belong to different genres, such as classical, psychological, symbolic, detective, horror, and so on. In addition, those published in magazines may be different from those published in collections. Magazine short stories, for example, usually have a well-planned plot7, carefully described characters and a surprise ending, characteristics that may not be present in other types of short stories. Both short stories and novels are fictional8 prose. What distinguishes one from the other, then? First of all, their length. As Edgar Allan Poe maintained9 in his essay10 The Philosophy of Composition (1846), a short story should be read in one sitting. Nowadays, prose writing is considered a short story when it contains between 1,000 and 20,000 words. G. Boccaccio 1. dates back to: starts with. 2. parable: simple story with a moral purpose. 3. genre: form, style in art or literature. 4. demand: need, as people want them. 5. increased: rose. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 41 declined: diminished. plot: story, how the story is told. fictional: not real, invented. maintained: said, affirmed. essay: short piece of writing on a particular subject.