The Masque of the Red Death BEFORE READING 1 These are words you will find in the text. Translate them into your own language. If you don t know their meaning, look them up in a dictionary. masque illness bleeding according to to hang laughter chiming grotesque still (adjective) beyond 2 .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... .......................................................................................................... Choose one of the options to make predictions about the story. a. Where do you expect the story to be set? In a... c cemetery c haunted house c castle c hospital b. Where/When do you think the masque takes place? c During a carnival. c At a village f te. c During an epidemic disease. c On a touristic tour. c. Why do you think the words Red and Death start with capital letters? c Because the words are in a title. c Because they are the name of a place. c Because it is a character in the story. c Because they are the name of a person. d. The title contains the word death . How many people do you expect will die? c none c one c a few c many 3 Write some words you know, or you find in a dictionary, connected to masques and death. While reading the text, see if you can find some of them. NOUNS ADJECTIVES 43 VERBS