SUMMING-UP ACTIVITIES PLOT 1 Complete the passage with the following words for a summary of Hamlet. revenge, involved, Denmark, found out, Chancellor, funeral, fencing, avenge, shake, guilty, ghost, proof, difficult, wild, murdered, widow, wits, frightened Hamlet, Prince of ........................................................., one night met his father s .......................................................... and learnt that the late King Hamlet had been ............................................. by his own brother, Claudius. Shortly after the King s ......................................................., Claudius had married his ........................................................, Queen Gertrude, and become King himself. It was ..................................................... for Hamlet to accept these facts and, though he had promised the Ghost to ....................................................... him, he wanted first to be sure Claudius was ................................................ . So his behaviour became ................................................... and unpredictable to conceal his plans: he ................................................. Ophelia, Polonius daughter, and rejected her, though he loved her. Once he had the ..................................................... that his uncle was guilty, Hamlet visited his mother to ......................................................... her conscience. In this circumstance he killed Polonius, the ................................................ , mistaking him for the King. This murder was full of consequences: Ophelia lost her .......................................... and later drowned; Laertes, her brother and Polonius son, returned from France to ........................................................... him; Claudius decided to send Hamlet to England and to have him killed there. But Hamlet ............................. .......................................... the plan and returned to Denmark. The King organized a ........................................................... competition with Laertes where everything was arranged to kill the prince. In the end all the people that were most closely .......................................................... in the events died a violent death. CHARACTERS 2 Go quickly through the list of names and tick the correct relationship. a. b. c. d. e. f. 3 Hamlet Gertrude Polonius Ophelia Laertes Fortinbras c Gertrude s son c Claudius s wife c Laertes s father c Hamlet s beloved c Hamlet s friend c Prince of Poland c Claudius s son c Claudius s widow c Hamlet s uncle c Laertes s beloved c Ophelia s brother c Prince of Norway What is your opinion of the following characters? Tick one or more suggestions as appropriate. a. Hamlet is c a philosopher c a man of action c a dreamer 102 c a delayer c a schemer