2 The Cause of the Defect Chapter BEFORE READING 1 Tick what c Hamlet c Hamlet c Hamlet c Hamlet c Hamlet 2 Complete the passage using the words given below. you think Hamlet will do after the Ghost s revelation. will inform his mother of the encounter. will keep his promise and kill the murderer at once. will make sure that what he learnt is true. will keep the encounter secret and continue mourning. will openly accuse his uncle and demand justice. hand night rapidly horrible armour suddenly speak face battlements voice That night Horatio went to the .............................................. but, when he tried to .............................................. to the Ghost, it .............................................. disappeared. The next ......................................... Hamlet was waiting, too. The Ghost appeared ................................................... and with his ................................................... invited Hamlet to follow it. The Ghost was wearing its ....................................................... and its .................................................. was hidden, but its .................................................. was the late King Hamlet s and what it revealed was ................................................. . 3 Match the pairs of opposite adjectives. 1. distant ............................................. a. pleasant 2. bitter ................................................ b. alive 3. calm .................................................. c. uncommon 4. dead ................................................. d. empty 5. sad .................................................... e. near 6. common ........................................ f. 7. next .................................................. g. angry 8. full ...................................................... h. sweet 9. evil ..................................................... i. happy 10. terrible ............................................ j. previous 23 good