The author William Shakespeare Many things have been said of William Shakespeare, mixing fact and legend. The recorded1 facts are his baptism (26th April 1564) and his burial2 (25th April 1616) in Stratford-upon-Avon. His mother s family was related to Thomas More, one of the first victims of Henry VIII s Reformation. His father, John Shakespeare, was a merchant in skins, wool and corn and held important offices in the local town council. It is reasonable to assume that young Shakespeare attended Stratford Grammar School, where he learnt reading and arithmetic, some history and a lot of Latin rhetoric, logic and literature. On 27th November 1582 a marriage license was issued3 to William Shakespeare, then eighteen, and Anne Hathaway, eight years his senior. In May 1583 the couple had a child, a daughter called Susanna, and in 1585 twins were born, Hamnet and Judith. According to legend, the young man was one day found poaching4 deer and rabbits on the lands of the local landlord, Sir Thomas Lucy, and decided to flee5 to London both to avoid prison and to lead a more exciting life. In London Shakespeare presumably started working with a company of actors, first as an errand boy6, then as an actor. It is certain that by 1592 he was famous, because a rival playwright7, Robert Greene (c. 1558-1592), accused him of being an upstart8 crow9, beautified with our feathers10 . Between 1592 and 1594 the theatres were closed down due to the plague11 and Shakespeare devoted himself to poetry. He wrote two long poems (Venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece), some of his 154 Sonnets, and dedicated them to his patron and friend Henry Wriothesley, Earl of Southampton. In 1594 Shakespeare became a member of the theatrical company called the Chamberlain s Men, later the King s Men, on James I s ascent 1. 2. 3. 4. recorded: documented. burial: entombment, funeral. issued: given. poaching: catching and killing animals without permission. 5. flee: run away. 6. errand boy: a young man employed 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 4 by a shop or business to take messages, deliver goods, etc playwright: writer of theatrical pieces. upstart: parvenu. crow: large black bird. feather: piuma. plague: pestilence, infectious disease.