5 A Lady Called Death Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The story so far. Complete the summary of the situation with the words given below. room ghost scandal reason King evidence rejected Ophelia arras life mother inconvenient learn After meeting his father s ............................................................. and getting the ............................................................. that Claudius was guilty, Hamlet agreed to speak to his ............................................................. . Polonius was in the Queen s .................................................... ; he hid behind an ............................................................ just before Hamlet entered because he wanted to ......................................... why the Prince had lost his ............................................ . The dramatic conversation with ............................................. had proved it was not because of ....................................................... love. Unfortunately, Hamlet took Polonius for the .................................................. and stabbed him. So Claudius, afraid for his own ....................................... and fearing a ....................................... sent Hamlet to England with the purpose of removing an ........................... enemy. 2 How do you imagine the events will develop after Polonius s murder and Hamlet s departure? a. Laertes will c immediately return to Elsinore to avenge his father. c return for his father s funeral and then go back to France. b. Ophelia will c follow Hamlet s advice and go to a nunnery. c will be so upset that she will lose her mind. c. Hamlet will c be killed when he lands in England. c find the letter and return to Denmark. 3 Match each word in the first column to its synonym in the second one. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. madness .................................................................................... grief................................................................................................ secluded .................................................................................... stab .............................................................................................. bury ............................................................................................. 71 a. insanity b. sorrow c. hide d. kill e. solitary