R B2 (Vantage) A I N B O W B2 (Vantage) Intermediate S INTERMEDIATE R A I N B O W S Approx. number of head-words: 1500 beginner A1 (Breakthrough) Levels of accredited examination boards: elementary A2 (Waystage) Cambridge ESOL: Trinity: City & Guilds (Pitman): ESB: Edexcel: pre-intermediate B1 (Threshold) intermediate B2 (Vantage) post-intermediate C1 (Effectiveness) Teacher s Resources available on line: Answer Key, Transcripts, Summing-up Activities. FCE Grade 7, 8 / ISE II Intermediate Intermediate 2, 3 Intermediate Hamlet William Shakespeare Hamlet Hamlet is one of the most famous and frequently represented plays written by Shakespeare. Its psychological, relational and existential implications make this tragedy remain relevant and intriguing. Hamlet s father s ghost appears to him to ask to avenge his death caused by his brother Claudius, who has usurped the throne and married his sister-in-law after the murder. Hamlet s witty plan to organize the revenge goes along with his presumed madness. The sequence of woeful events and the finale loaded with violent deaths are the typical ingredients of the revenge tragedies of the time. The book, written in narrative form, is interspaced with authentic lines, among the most famous ones. It is also enriched with inserts on theatre and cinema performances, the sources, the various themes of the tragedy and the study of its main characters. William Shakespeare Hamlet