E X T E N S I O N STONEHENGE Stonehenge is a magical place on Salisbury plain1 in England. It is a circle of big stones and it is so mysterious because nobody knows about its builders2 and how it was possible to build it. For this reason there are lots of myths and legends about Stonehenge. Some legends say that the Danes, Saxons, Greeks and also the magician Merlin can be the builders of Stonehenge. Another legend says that dancing giants3 walk around Salisbury plain. Suddenly4 they become stones. This legend is very popular because Stonehenge looks like5 a group of giants holding their hands. Some archaeologists6 believe that the Druids (Celtic priests7) were the builders of Stonehenge. It was used for ceremonies. But some scientists say that the Druids can t be the builders of that monument because it was there before the Celts. Another legend says that the builder of Stonehenge was the devil8: he uses his magic9 to transport those big stones from Ireland to the plain of Salisbury. Apart from these myths and legends, scientists believe that tribes of the Neolithic and Bronze Age were the builders of that megalith10 at three different times. 1. plain: flat land. 2. builder: a person that joins things together to make a structure. 3. giant: a very tall person. 4. suddenly: quickly and unexpectedly. 5. looks like: is similar to. 6. archaeologist: a person that studies the past by examining very old buildings and tools. 7. priest: religious man. 8. devil: an evil being, often represented in human form but with a tail and horns. 9. magic: the power to use supernatural forces. 10. megalith: a large group of stones from ancient times. 15