Tales Owain Chapter 3 (Welsh Myth) The Guardian1 of the Forest A young knight called Owain lives in a castle. One day he decides to go and find his fortune2. So he says good-bye to his best friend, the knight Kymon, and leaves. After some days, he arrives at a castle. The lord of that place tells him that if he wants to find his fortune, he must ride3 north, through a dark forest. He will arrive when he finds a big man without his left eye or left foot, with a large iron4 staff in his hand. That man is the Guardian of the Forest. The following morning Owain leaves the castle and follows the instructions of the lord and after some time he meets the guardian of the forest. The guardian says, You are a brave knight. Ride through the forest and you will arrive at a fountain under a big tree near a river. There you will find a silver5 bowl on a black table. Fill the bowl with water and then put the water on top of the table. After 1. guardian: protector. 2. fortune: success. 3. ride: sit on a horse to control its movements. 4. iron: strong metallic element whose symbol is Fe. 5. silver: precious grey-white metallic element whose symbol is Ag. 27