Tales Deirdre Chapter 5 (Irish Fairy Tale) In Ireland King Connacher is having a big party with his knights. They are called the Knights of the Red Branch. It is a lively party with lots of people: the King, the knights, the druid Cathbad and some lords1. Trim Castle in Ireland. While they are eating and drinking, a woman arrives and says that the daughter of Felim (one of the lords) is just born. Felim is very happy and the King asks the druid Cathbad to tell something about the future of the baby. So Cathbad says, This is not an ordinary2 child, she will be very beautiful and her name will be Deirdre. She will marry a foreign3 king and she will cause sorrow4 among the people of Ireland! When they hear the prophecy5 of the druid, some knights say, Kill the child! King Connacher is very curious to see how beautiful Deirdre will be and says, It is not a good thing to kill a child! I will marry her when she is fifteen years old and so she will not marry a foreign king and will cause no sorrow in Ireland! The King decides that Deirdre must live in a secret place. She mustn t see anybody except him and a woman called Levarcham. The woman must look after6 her. Deirdre goes 1. 2. 3. 4. lord: man with lands and properties. ordinary: normal. foreign: of a different country. sorrow: a feeling of deep sadness. 5. prophecy: when you say that something will happen in the future. 6. look after: take care. 47