Tales King Arthur Chapter 1 (English Legend) Who is King Arthur? Who are the famous Knights of the Round Table? In the 9th century, the historian1 Nennius writes a book about him: King Arthur is famous because he fights against the Saxons and the Angles. These warriors2 arrive in the island of Britain in the 5th century; they come from the northern lands of Europe. The legendary King Arthur fights against the invaders. He wins lots of battles against the Saxons. His people love him and remember his actions for centuries. Arthur is the son of Uther, King of Britain. Uther falls in love with Igraine of Cornwall. They have a child, Arthur; he is born at Tintagel Castle in Cornwall. The magician Merlin lives at Uther s court3. He is a legendary character and probably a Welsh4 magician. One day Uther says, Merlin, take my son Arthur away from the court and ask Sir Ector Tintagel Castle in Cornwall. 1. historian: a person expert at history and that writes about it. 3. court: the place where queens and kings live. 4. Welsh: person that lives in or comes from Wales. 2. warrior: 7