2 Oliver s first job Chapter BEFORE READING 1 The following words are related to Oliver s first job. Match the two parts of the definitions. a. A coffin is .............................. 1. a person who organizes funerals. b. A grave is .............................. 2. when he / she stops breathing. c. A funeral is .......................... 3. a box for a dead body. d. A person dies ..................... 4. the place where a dead person is put. e. An undertaker is .................... 5. a ceremony that takes place when somebody dies. 2 Make guesses about the development of the story. Write true or false. T F a. Oliver will be happy in his new job. c c b. The undertaker likes him because his sad expression c c is suitable for funerals. c. He will sleep in a coffin. c c d. He will make new friends. c c e. He will learn something from this experience. c c f. He will leave the undertaker s house. c c 3 Which of the following behaviours do you think is more probable when children find themselves in difficult situations? c They help and protect each other from the abuses of adults. c They become selfish and bad like adults. Mr and Mrs Sowerberry with Oliver (performed by PCPA Theater fest, Santa Maria, CA, 2006). 14