5 The robbery Chapter BEFORE READING 15 1 Listen to the first part of Chapter 5 and answer the following questions. a. What does Mr Brownlow think of Oliver? .................................................... b. What does Mr Grimwig think of him? ............................................................. c. What opinion do you think Mrs Bedwin, the housekeeper, shares? ..................................................................................................................................................... d. Who do you think is right? ..................................................................................... 2 Think about the value of money. a. How much is £5 nowadays? c 7.50. c 10. c b. What can you buy with £5 nowadays? c A CD. c A sandwich and a coke. c A pair of trousers. 15. c. What do you think it was possible to do with £5 at Oliver s times? c Buy food for a poor family for some time. c Buy a house. c Buy a little food. 3 Complete with the words in the box. pence (2) pound (2) shilling a. A unit of money used in the UK. It was a banknote, it is now a coin. ......................................................................................................................................... b. The plural of penny. ...................................................................................................... c. Its symbol is £. ................................................................................................................. d. Small unit of money used in the UK until 1971. ....................................... e. There are 100 ................................................. in 1 pound. 45