6 New friends for Oliver Chapter BEFORE READING 19 1 Listen to the first part of Chapter 6 and decide whether the following statements are true or false. T F a. On his way back home Mr Bumble stops at a pub c c for the night. b. Mr Bumble goes to visit the woman in charge of the c c workhouse where Oliver was born. c. The woman is not interested in Mr Bumble and sends c c him away. d. The woman is interested in Mr Bumble and offers him c c some tea. e. An old woman wants to talk to Mr Bumble before dying. c c f. The dying woman reveals that Oliver s mother was a thief. c c g. The dying woman confesses that she stole a gold object c c from Oliver s mother. 2 Listen again and correct the false ones. 3 Guess what happens to Oliver from the pictures. Write 1 or 2 short sentences for each picture. Ex. Oliver is wounded. There is a beautiful country-house. Oliver sees it and starts walking. ................................................................................ ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... ........................................................................................................................................................... 54